Sponsor: Baobichen Foundation
Curator: sfmoa, San Francisco Museum of Art 03-10-2022
【不思量 自难忘】Father’s desk
68cm x 68cm Chinese color on rice paper
【无可奈何花落去】68cm x 68cm
【Dropping blossom】Chinese color on rice paper
【夏日】68cm x 68cm
【under summer sun】 Chinese color on rice paper
在那些寂静的旧金山夜晚… 远眺万家灯火,
似乎还没来得及好好告别, 太匆匆……
蒙好友Julia 相约,让我参加女画家展
【花瓶与咖啡杯】68cm x 48cm
【Flower vase and coffee cup】Chinese color on rice paper
【窗前花】(1) 68cm x 68cm
【Window front flower 】Chinese color on rice paper
【无声胜有声】68cm x 68cm
【Silent moment】Chinese color on rice paper
【窗前花】 (2) 68cm x 68cm
【Window front flower】Chinese color on rice paper
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 70 x 100 cm 2021
絹本淡彩 light color 50-58cm 2018
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 70 x 100 cm 2021
重彩矿物色人物画 heavy mineral color painting 20x 27cm 2022
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 50 下50 cm 2021
重彩矿物色人物画 heavy mineral color painting 20 x 26cm 2022
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 50 下50 cm 2021
重彩矿物色人物画 heavy mineral color painting 20 x 26cm 2022
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 50 下50 cm 2021
重彩矿物色人物画 heavy mineral color painting 19 x 26cm 2022
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 50 下50 cm 2021
重彩矿物色人物画 heavy mineral color painting 18 x 26cm 2022
线描 line drawing, ink on paper 50 下50 cm 2021
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Paper
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled 18 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas
【敢為天下先】宣紙,水彩,潑墨 48 x 36 in
【The First Lotus Bud】 Ink and Color on Paper
[一雙白露過春山] 宣紙 水彩 潑墨 30 x 18 in
[Spring Egret Pair] Ink and Color on Paper
[金荷綠塘水藍天] 宣紙 水彩 潑墨 30 x 24 in
[Gold Lotus] Ink and Color on Paper
[漁樵山水雲霧間 ] 宣紙 水彩 潑墨 30 x 18 in
[Meditation in Mountain Cloud] Ink and Color on Paper
[秋荷 ] 宣紙 水彩 潑墨 30 x 18 in
[Lotus in Fall] Ink and Color on Paper
[暑山] 24 x 36 in
[Summer Mountains] Ink and Color on Paper
sfmoa, San Francisco
Museum of Ar
Baobichen Foundation